"Strengthen, O Lord, your servants with your Holy Spirit..."

With the practice of infant baptism, the Episcopal tradition provides an opportunity for those who are of an age of consent to publicly "confirm" the vows that were made on their behalf when they were baptized. The Confirmation service is presided over by the bishop, who lays hands on and proclaims God's blessing on each confirmand.
At Saint Matthew's, we have a Confirmation class every other year for those who are in seventh grade or above who would like to make their Confirmation. We are currently using the Confirm not Conform curriculum, which, while providing creative instruction on Christianity and the Episcopal Church, strongly encourages the participants to explore their own beliefs within a wider context. It also encourages them to think seriously about how they can continue to live their faith as they grow to adulthood.
At Saint Matthew's, we have a Confirmation class every other year for those who are in seventh grade or above who would like to make their Confirmation. We are currently using the Confirm not Conform curriculum, which, while providing creative instruction on Christianity and the Episcopal Church, strongly encourages the participants to explore their own beliefs within a wider context. It also encourages them to think seriously about how they can continue to live their faith as they grow to adulthood.